Who we are &
what we believe

We want our church to be Christ-centered at every point. Therefore, we base everything we do and how we go about doing it on what God has revealed to us through His word.

Our Mission

Our mission comes directly from the words Jesus gave his disciples upon his departure (Matthew 28:18-20). This mission tells us what to do as a church, therefore our buildings, programs, and events are means by which we accomplish the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ.

We exist to bring glory to God by making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our Core Values

While our mission helps us understand our purpose, our core values provide a guide for us to follow as we become the people God wants us to be in order to accomplish His mission.


We value truth because God is the source and creator of all truth. We believe in and live by the word of God which is why we agree with the Baptist Faith & Message.


We value worship because God created all things to bring glory to Him. We bring glory to God by placing our ultimate value in Him which is to give Him our worship.


We value community because we were created by God to be communal beings, just as He is. United by Christ, we are brothers and sisters in the household of God.


We value service because we were created by God for His purposes. As followers of Jesus, we submit ourselves to our king and give ourselves to God’s work in the world.

Missional Living

We value missional living because God wants to make Himself known. As ambassadors of Christ, we proclaim the Good News of Jesus to a broken world.

Take a look at our statement of faith.